Testimonial : Relieving skin prone to eczema or psoriasis March 17, 2023 Testimonial from Julie, a customer of the Chanv community When our skin suffers from eczema or psoriasis, we feel like our existence is reduced to trying to relieve the discomfort....
Immersion in the head of our strategist March 10, 2023 To share with you the strategic thinking behind the evolution of Chanv's brand image, we asked Jean-Louis Gusiew, VP Strategy at Bite Size, a few questions. It was his vision...
5 Quebec destinations to recharge your batteries in nature March 06, 2023   Québec is full of beautiful places to visit! With the warm weather setting in, it's time to start planning our vacation, or simply our next weekend to break the...
An artistic direction that stems from our values March 03, 2023 Our new identity didn't appear by magic. Sabrina Thibault, from Bite Size, is to thank for the art direction. We asked her a few questions to clarify all the elements...
Goodbye chemical treatments: how to use natural products to relieve your scalp psoriasis February 27, 2023 Nature offers you an effective solution to relieve it Scratching from morning to night is no fun at all! And let's not even talk about the dandruff on your new...
Discover Chanv's new look in preview! February 24, 2023 Mark your calendars: from March 17th to 19th, Chanv will be at the 2023 Expo manger santé et vivre vert at the Palais des congrès in Montreal to present its...
Discover natural remedies to soothe your psoriasis February 20, 2023 Â Are you tired of cortisone-based creams? What if we told you that the solution is in your kitchen or garden! Discover our 5 favorite natural remedies to soothe your...
Colloidal oatmeal: a natural and complete solution for dry skin. February 17, 2023 Discover how oatmeal effectively relieves itching and soothes irritations caused by dry skin. She was envied for her beauty, particularly for her always smooth and radiant skin! In ancient times,...
5 Natural Nordic Ingredients to Discover February 13, 2023 These days, they are increasingly sought after by the cosmetics and body care industries. In fact, the oils extracted from northern natural ingredients are versatile and suitable for all skin...