To make Chanv shine as much as it does today, it wouldn't have been enough to plant a seed and wish for the best as a shooting star passes by. It's the North Star that inspires us. A celestial body that, like us, is present every day to provide clear direction for those who follow it. We wake up every morning before dawn to ensure the well-being and maintenance of our business and to ensure its flourishing and success.

Chanv has been around since 2004, but it was in 2017 that Marie-Ève Parenteau and Dany Lefebvre acquired it. Since then, they have surrounded themselves with a brilliant team that shares their vision: chanv is the plant of the 21st century. Focusing first on the "know-how," they naturally contribute to the growth of the local economy by working with local cultivators and creating numerous jobs in Quebec.

For our team, there is no doubt: Chanv Oil™, the basis of our products, is the best vegetable oil for the skin. Its benefits are numerous and undeniable. However, the plant has a bad reputation. In a spirit of expansion, but also education, Marie-Ève and Dany participated in different media coverage since 2017. These appearances gave us unprecedented visibility. Those dealing with various skin problems discover the advantages of this natural alternative, and glowing testimonials accumulate. The public's enthusiasm for our products nourishes our already strong roots and inspires us to work even harder to bring our business to full maturity.

Since 2022, successes have been piling up. International cooperation with Guatemala is bearing fruit. We are protecting the "Chanv Oil™" trademark in Canada and France and purchasing the "chanv.com" domain to strengthen our credibility and recognition. The Quebec Ministry of Tourism has approved our request for tourist signage, bringing more visitors to our facilities in Saint-Cyrille-de-Wendover, in the Centre-du-Québec region.

Starting in 2023, we begin to draw from a natural Quebec spring water source, thus injecting even more of our local riches into our products. Reflection and efforts are underway to make our product packaging more environmentally friendly in the near future. All of this, and more, is made possible thanks to our discipline and rigorous work that starts every day a little before our source of inspiration fades from the sky.

Chanv's mission is to never stop improving your quality of life through the benefits of Chanv Oil™. Since a star has inspired us for 20 years, it's not surprising that we are becoming one ourselves. A rising star.