Yuka: An Essential Guide to Product Health
You've probably heard of Yuka, the app where Chanv cream is all the rage! Simply put, Yuka tells you instantly whether a product is good or bad for your health. No need to spend hours Googling ingredients; this app does the work for you. Results are based on ingredient quality and origin in scanned products. Since Chanv cream uses 100% natural Nordic ingredients, it quickly climbed to the top of the rankings.
The Right Chanv Cream for Your Skin
Yuka users love Chanv products—all of which are listed on the app. From face and body care to hair care, a quick barcode scan reveals the natural ingredients each product contains, helping you decide if they meet your needs.
We offer a full skincare range built on synergy, using ingredients that are compatible and designed for optimal results. With many ingredients sourced from the Nordic boreal forest, our products target various skin types effectively.
A High Rating from Yuka
Chanv's product range boasts an impressive Yuka score of 90%. Our muscle cream and exfoliator even achieve the top rating of 100%. This positive feedback reaffirms our dedication to products that respect both our bodies and our well-being.
Chanv™ Oil: A Nordic Treasure
One reason Chanv cream ranks so high on Yuka is the inclusion of Chanv™ oil. Adapted to Quebec’s northern climate, this oil is rich in vitamins A, B, and E, with an ideal ratio of omega-3 and 6, making it easily absorbable. Its antioxidant properties further help fight signs of aging, adding to Chanv cream's appeal on Yuka.